Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Who do I hate more?

Buttholes and peepshows, that's what FUCR has turned into this season. Luckily for me, people are still getting their heads busted in this business we call fake professional video game wrestling. With all of the changes that the Board Of Directors has happening, I find myself still not giving a shit at all. Dave Ken or Count Dante, fuck both of em' says I. Fuck all of em' with Jenny Glorpp's rotten fist.

As a matter of fact, I don't even know who I wanna take my hatred out on first. Blackjack's a given. He's still the douchebag in faghag clothing that I've always hated, but the choices are just so great this season.

What put a smile on my face today (which is like breaking concrete) was the fact that I realized I haven't even really gotten to mix it up with two of the biggest fuck-wads this sport has ever seen: Reverand Killjoy or The Widowmaker.

These are glorious times, what with so many of these fucks to start shit with.